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Real people, becoming like Jesus, and introducing others to him.


Would you like to gather with other individuals a couple of times a month to spur each other to be more like Jesus? Or gather as families for a meal and then as the kids are being watched spur each other on?

Think "iron sharpening iron" for these groups.  It is about challenging each other as we strive to be disciples of Jesus.


None of us have it all figured out or have no room to grow.   Our habits shape our lives. We focus on developing the spiritual habits of prayer, scripture reading and generosity as they help to shape us to be like Jesus.


At Beacon Church, we offer a variety of events designed to foster connection, growth, and community.  way to get involved, build relationships, and grow in your faith. We invite you to join us and experience community and support of our church family.


On Sundays we gather, have a cup of coffee, connect with God and each other. We are a
collective of people that gather to be sent out on
mission during the week. We are constantly looking for ways to pray for, love on and share
Jesus with those in our life.

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